Wednesday 15 June 2011

Streamline Launches New Website

June 15th, 2011
Port of Spain, Trinidad

Caribbean based mail processing company Streamline Solutions launched its new website at a company briefing this week in Trinidad.  Managing Director Natalie Pires showcased the new website at a lavish company briefing at their Trinidad office.  Pires indicated the plan is to communicate with clients and partners over the coming days informing them of the new site.

Streamline Solutions provides mailroom processing services from their operations in Kingston Jamaica, Port of Spain Trinidad and Bridgetown Barbados. Pires stressed that Streamline is the only regional mail processing player with a footprint that comprises the major business hubs in the region.

Streamline currently assists over 100 organizations with their monthly statements with many of them gaining significant operating efficiencies ie they are getting their statements to their clients faster resulting in better cash flow while reducing capital and operating costs by nearly 30% in all cases.

Streamline's client base spans over 20 regional territories, the key territories that we service are:
Antigua, Anguilla, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos.  Pires indicated that there were plans for a Bahamas hub in the  next 6 months.

Streamline Solutions provides the resources to assist businesses with cost savings and to achieve greater efficiency with their billing, statements and customer communications. This allows clients to focus on their primary business while ensuring their communications reach the target market. Streamline stress  full data security and confidentiality, and work closely with postal corporations across the Caribbean to improve delivery time and postal rates.
Streamline's controls ensure efficient and secure mailing systems that account for every document they handle. Their economies of scale, knowledge of the region and supplier relationships ensure lower material, printing and distributions costs while improving the presentation of document with real time formatting, thereby reducing the amount of stationery types client's have to manage.
Streamline is a subsidiary of Prism Services (, a regional business to business services company with offices in Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica.

For more information

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