Saturday 3 September 2011

Prism & NCDS Sign co-location agreement

National Commercial Data Services (NCDS –, the leading data services company in Anguilla and Prism via its records and data storage company Stronghold have signed an agreement whereby all data from NCDS will be automatically stored offsite at the Prism backup facility in Barbados.  This is part of a reciprocal arrangement between the two companies.

John Rickards, Managing Director of NCDS, stated that an off island recovery facility was an important consideration in this part of the world which is impacted by severe hurricanes during the summer months. Any key organisation must have an off island solution.  We can recreate our environment in Barbados in the event of a catastrophe that renders our Anguilla location inoperable.
NCDS manages computer facilities for National Bank of Anguilla (NBA) and CCB Anguilla Ltd and a number of other large corporations in the northern Leeward islands. Pictured below are NCDS and Stronghold staff performing routine testing in Barbados during a recent visit.

Prism’s subsidiary Stronghold ( offers colocation, data storage, hosting, test site and tape storage solutions  in Barbados and plans to expand it via its hubs in Trinidad and Jamaica in the coming year. Left is Stronghold's Barbados facility.

For more information contact