Monday 8 August 2011

Neopost Training in Barbados

 A training workshop was held at Prism’s office in the Belle from 20 to 26 July 2011.  The trainer for this workshop was Mr Hamid Rafik from Neopost France.  Alvin Jones, Kim Ellis, Ricky Forde and Aronda Morris attended the training and were trained in the use of Neopost’s Diamond Server, Maple (Oracle) Forms, Modem Handler and Nagios Monitoring Applications. 

Training was also received in the basic user operation of a Neopost IJ110 franking machine.The training was designed to enable the Prism technical team to effectively operate/administer the relevant modules of the OSCA application/network for all the territories involved. 

Aronda commented………. “Very informative training session on franking machines which I have now seen for the first time in operation. Training also included an administering and technical session with The Maple web interface application which would allow post offices across six territories Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Costa Rica, Mexico and Bahamas to connect to our offices here at Prism Barbados and perform any “top ups” they may require for their franking machines”